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Vial of pure copper

Vial of pure copper

Regular price Dhs. 38.00 AED
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Reported Health benefits of Copper:

Wearing copper for medicinal benefits has a long history, all the way back to ancient Egypt. Copper has been used to reduce Inflammation, Joint pain, joint stiffness, arthritis, and cleaning the blood. Medical studies go back and forth over the accuracy of these claims. Most agree that unless you have an allergy to the metal, a copper  is unlikely to have detrimental side effects and you may be pleasantly surprised.


Reported Copper Metaphysical Properties

Copper’s history, legend and lore is long and varied. Its use by the human race dates back more than 10,000 years with a great many applications.  It is in fact said to be the first metal of humanity, showing up in Egyptian and Sumerian metallurgy back to 3900 BC. The ancients quickly saw the healing properties of this metal and incorporated this amazing metal into their medical lore

Copper is a great conductor and very useful in conducting the healing properties of the gemstones to the wearer.  Copper itself is said to combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, and irritability.

Copper is useful in opening the Base and Sacral Chakras. Copper advances the intuitive to assist in the wearers path of evolution.

Copper is said to stabilize and balance the body’s blood flow. Used throughout history to combat bacterial infections, arthritis, Rheumatism and stimulate the metabolic processes.

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