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Mystic Mountain

Chakra Tune Up Salt - Solar Plexus Chakra and Reiki Master charged Crystal

Chakra Tune Up Salt - Solar Plexus Chakra and Reiki Master charged Crystal

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Chakra tune up Salt - Sacral Chakra (Manipura) 3nd Chakra

 We have designed this series of Chakra Tune up salt to use the natural benefits of salt with select herbs and a charged Chakra Crystal to help align the Chakras. 

  This particular salt is designed to work with the Solar Plexus Chakra. The third chakra is called Manipura, which means “lustrous gem.” Manipura is the original Sanskrit name for the Solar Plexus chakra. Located around the navel in the area of the solar plexus and up to the breastbone, it is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. The Manipura chakra also controls metabolism and digestion. It is sometimes referred to as the gut-brain. (If you have ever made a decision based on your “gut feeling,” you can thank your third chakra.) The Solar Plexus chakra is where our inner sense of self lives. The energy within the Solar Plexus chakra defines our feelings of power, self-image, responsibility, willpower, and purpose. As a fire element, it is associated with sun, heat, and light.

The Crystal included is a Citrine Charged by a Reiki Master. Citrine is known as the Success Stone, and we often associate having a gut feeling about what we should do to be successful. Citrine can help you open your solar plexus chakra, empowering you to take control and feel more at ease spiritually and physically. 

  We carry this salt in a convenient Travel sized jar.  The travel sized jar resealable screw top 15ml solid glass jar to make travel with this item easy. So you can align on the go.

 This Salt is designed to be used either actively as a part of meditation, or passively by keeping this in your auric field while you sleep, rest, or even sit in one place and do other activities.  Keep in a container near your head so the subtle scents of the blend of herbs can gently align your energy.  You can also sprinkle the salt around your position to help raise and align the vibrations of your immediate area.

 All of Mystic Mountain Company's Salts, Scrubs, Ritual items, and Powders are of an exceptional quality and power.  We craft these items by hand individually using the finest ingredients.  We use care, attention to detail and love while crafting these items in traditional ways. We use real herbs, roots, barks, petals, bones, shells, essential oils, collected in time honored ways, with all due respect paid.  Many of these items are made from ingredients we have collected or grown where at all possible to ensure the best energy for our workings and products.

 Legal disclaimer: All our Salts, Scrubs, Ritual Items, and Powders are required by law to be for entertainment purposes. We are not medical professionals, any reputed health benefits have not been approved by the FDA.  No form of holistic service, spell, or Rootwork should be considered as a substitute for Professional medical, legal, or Psychological advice. These items are sold as curios only, and there are no guarantees in providing any specific abilities, outcomes, or results either desired or undesired.

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