Red Blessed Salt - Adding Love and Passion to your protected space
Red Blessed Salt - Adding Love and Passion to your protected space
RED BLESSED SALT - 2 sizes to choose from
Red Salt is a protective Salt and can be used as a Traditional Blessed Salt. In addition Red Salt is useful in workings that involve Love, Passion, Romance, and a Lust for Life. Use this salt when you are looking to do romantic workings to increase the power of your attractions.
Uses : Sprinkle a little bit under the bed to add a mental kick to bedroom activities.
- Add to any incense to increase magical intent of romantic magic.
- Use in a Sachet to keep love strong.
- Place a pinch under your seat at a bar or other place you are looking for companionship to increase your chances.
- If used to draw sigils, runes, or circles, Red Salt adds a strong attractive layer. Very useful in workings for all things related to relationships. If kept clean and clear of other salts or powders, it can be reused.
We carry this salt in a 2 oz bag and in a convenient Travel sized jar. The travel sized jar resealable screw top 15ml solid glass jar to make travel with this item easy.All of Mystic Mountain Company's Salts, Scrubs, Ritual items, and Powders are of an exceptional quality and power. We craft these items by hand individually using the finest ingredients. We use care, attention to detail and love while crafting these items in traditional ways. We use real herbs, roots, barks, petals, bones, shells, essential oils, collected in time honored ways, with all due respect paid. Many of these items are made from ingredients we have collected or grown where at all possible to ensure the best energy for our workings and products.
Legal disclaimer: All our Salts, Scrubs, Ritual Items, and Powders are required by law to be for entertainment purposes. We are not medical professionals, any reputed health benefits have not been approved by the FDA. No form of holistic service, spell, or Rootwork should be considered as a substitute for Professional medical, legal, or Psychological advice. These items are sold as curios only, and there are no guarantees in providing any specific abilities, outcomes, or results either desired or undesired.
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